Category: All things Women

  • “Mind your own business, Carol”

    “Mind your own business, Carol”

    Disclaimer: All persons in the stories below are portrayed by fictional characters. No Carols or Janets were harmed in the making of this post 😉 Since International Women’s Day just passed, I thought it would be fitting to write about nothing other than, women!It seems like now-a-days, the judgement on women is discussed constantly. We’re…

  • 15 Fun Facts about The Meltdown Mama

    15 Fun Facts about The Meltdown Mama

    I’ve shared quite a few things with y’all about me, my kids and my life. But I’d like you to get to know me a little bit more! Here are some random facts about… ME! I was born and raised in Northwest Ohio (Toledo area.) Still living the life in the 419! I married my…

  • Raising Feminists

    Raising Feminists

    I do not talk politics. And I wouldn’t call this a “political” post, but I’m sure it will be the first to raise some eyebrows. There’s your warning. Feminism [by definition]: the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. I have never thought of myself to be a “feminist,” mainly…

  • Birth Photography

    Birth Photography

    Raise your hand if pictures are, or have always been a major part of your life. For the large majority of people, from the day you are born, your parents start snapping photos. Years later, pictures become storytellers and some of our greatest possessions. For 10 years now, my household has been taking “Family Pictures”…

  • Staying in touch: Childless, Childhood friends edition.

    I want to thank a good friend of mine (23 years and counting) for the topic idea for today. It’s actually a pretty easy one for me to write, especially since I was a relatively young mom, so this has been relevant me for quite some time. Let me first point out that I have…

  • My Miscarriage Story: Heartaches & Rainbows

    My Miscarriage Story: Heartaches & Rainbows

    So for this entry I’m going to get a little serious. We’ve all been through some tough times, and I know that there might be someone out there who needs to hear my story.. Back story: Since I was little, I had a specific plan for my life. And I think I can speak for…

  • Tiger Stripes?

    Tiger Stripes?

    I told you I was going to be 100% real. So here it goes. Today’s topic, drumroll please: Mom Bods. A mom bod, unless you’re some sort of supermodel, is the transformation of our skin and ‘problem areas’ after having kids. First and foremost, I just want to say that every single women should be…